These blogs have been a long time coming so I thought I'd finally get around to some in honor of Mother's Day. Taking it all the way back to November, I had still been living and working in Wellington and having an absolute blast!
November had worked itself out that right around Thanksgiving, my friend in Auckland, Kendal, invited me on a girls trip that she and her friends were taking to Waiheke Island. I secured the time off work for the trip and even managed to coordinate some Thanksgiving festivities for the trip away from Welly. With our family friends the Seniors (Lucy is a sorority sister of my mom's), we organized to do a Kiwi style Thanksgiving the Thursday before jetting off to the Island on Friday.
We had a few other friends round for the celebrations, including Kendal and her family. The night was filled with yummy food, great company, and lots of cocktails, wine, and bubbles. Lucy was head of the divine food, her husband Boyd was on the bar, and everyone brought a delicious dessert. I couldn't have asked for a better first Thanksgiving without any family around! However, to be fair I was so grateful to be around people who I will always consider part of my Kiwi family.
After a nice sleep in from a fabulous Thanksgiving festivities we started making our way to Waiheke Island. Kendal and I drove to her friend Anna's house to meet up with everyone. All of her friends were so lovely and we were all so excited for the trip. Anna's dad flew us over to the island in their helicopter. That was definitely something special! The views were absolutely spectacular and it was definitely better than it would have been taking the ferry over lol! Some life!
The girls had organized a gorgeous AirBnB with a stunning view overlooking the ocean. A neighboring property was kind enough to let us land the chopper on their lawn so we would be within enough easy access of the house to get all of our stuff from a to z. After getting settled in we made some platters and some dinner, popped a few bottles of bubbly and had a dance party all night long. A classic start to a girls trip.
The next morning was filled with coffee and avo toast and a bit of sun bathing before we started getting ready for the day. We were booked in for lunch and a wine tasting at a local winery. So, of course we all got dressed up and took heaps of photos as you do! Lunch was divine and all of the wines were so yummy. We ended up spending a good few hours there before going back to the house for sunset and more drinks, more platters and much more dancing. What a wonderfully fun getaway that was!
We were lucky with the weather because it didn't get cold and wet until our departure day. And oh boy would it have been a sight to see six girls running and screaming through the rain with all of their luggage to get to the helicopter. Anna's dad was very gracious to pick us up and fly us back to Auckland-- but by the time we got to him and all fastened in ready for takeoff, we looked like a bunch of drowned rats. It definitely all makes for fun memories!
xx syd